by erlangerhealth | Jun 6, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Temper tantrums. Fears about the monster under the bed. Tears over getting a shot at the doctor’s office. Anyone with a little one is familiar with these emotions. Those are just everyday emotions. When children are injured or facing an illness, they likely don’t...
by erlangerhealth | Jun 3, 2016 | Back, Bone & Joint Health, Orthopaedics, Stay Well
When Matthew Higgins, M.D., fellowship-trained orthopaedic surgeon at UT Erlanger Orthopaedics, is not treating patients or spending time with his wife and three children, he spends much of his free time competing in endurance mountain bike races. And while most of...
by erlangerhealth | May 30, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Children aren’t just little adults — they have unique needs. Children’s hospitals know how to care for those needs. Even as recently as decades ago, the protocol for treating medical conditions was the same for all patients, regardless of age. In the past few decades,...
by erlangerhealth | May 24, 2016 | Allergies, Child & Family Health, Stay Well
This month is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. How much do you know about these two conditions common among kids? The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology estimates that more than 7 million kids have asthma, while 8.4 percent of all...
by erlangerhealth | May 17, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
When your child is injured or not feeling well, you logically want specialized care to meet his or her health needs. Where can you find that care? At Children’s Hospital at Erlanger. Children’s hospitals offer a variety of benefits to communities and the children...
by erlangerhealth | May 15, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Candy or detergent pod? To a little one, they may seem no different — and that’s where the danger lies. Laundry and dishwasher detergent packets hit the market several years ago. With their compact size and handy packaging, they’re marketed as convenient and easy. But...