by erlangerhealth | Oct 18, 2017 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Weight Loss, Women's Health
You’re probably familiar with metabolism. It’s that stubborn thing that can either help your weight-loss efforts or hurt them. But can you do anything to speed up your metabolism? First, what exactly is metabolism? Well, essentially, metabolism is your body’s process...
by erlangerhealth | Oct 10, 2017 | Child & Family Health, Fitness & Wellness, Stay Well
You know it’s a good idea for your kids to stay active. But just how much physical activity is enough when it comes to staying healthy and growing strong? You’re probably familiar with the recommendation that adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each...
by erlangerhealth | Sep 24, 2017 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
When you aren’t physically feeling well, your entire body is often affected. That makes sense, right? When one part isn’t working at its best, none of the parts do. Well, the same is true when your mental health is impacted. When you aren’t feeling well emotionally,...
by erlangerhealth | Sep 19, 2017 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
If you feel like you never get enough sleep these days — or if you get plenty of sleep but still feel tired — you are not alone. As many as two-fifths of Americans report feeling tired on most days of the week. But what could be causing your fatigue? Well, let’s first...
by erlangerhealth | Sep 12, 2017 | Child & Family Health, Childhood Obesity, Stay Well
A glass of juice for your little one with a meal might seem like a healthy beverage choice. But is it really? For years, all varieties of fruit juice — from orange to grape and everything in between — were seen as healthier alternatives to beverages like Coke and...
by erlangerhealth | Sep 9, 2017 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
It may seem at times like headphones are a natural extension of your child’s ears. But the question is — Are those headphones hurting his or her hearing? The short answer: Probably so, at least on some level. As a child grows and develops, his or her ears require...