by Cara Hennings, MD | Aug 28, 2020 | Stay Well
Masks have become a regular part of our daily lives and many people are dealing with breakouts and irritation because of them. Regular skincare can go a long way in helping to prevent the dreaded acne and irritation caused by masks, also known as “maskne,” but in...
by erlangerhealth | Aug 20, 2020 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
When you think of “getting a shot,” you may immediately think of kids at the pediatrician’s office. But actually, adults need immunizations, too. So how can you know what immunizations (also commonly called vaccines) you need — and when? Each year, the American...
by Heather Gilliam, DO | Aug 13, 2020 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Big changes happen each year when it’s back-to-school time – changes in routine, new classmates and teachers, and new activities. But this year, in addition to wondering if you’re making all of the right decisions in regards to your child’s education, you’re...
by erlangerhealth | Jul 22, 2020 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
When it comes to kids and teens, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their mental health should not be overlooked. Decreased social interaction with their peers and extended family, disruption in school or summer routine, and frustration over changes to future...
by erlangerhealth | Jul 2, 2020 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Each year, as the Fourth of July approaches, we remind our community to celebrate safely because fireworks injuries, boating accidents, and severe sunburns are common around this favorite summer holiday. But this year, there’s an additional concern: COVID-19. As some...
by Harish Manyam, M.D. | Jun 17, 2020 | Men's Cardiology, Men's Health, Stay Well
The statistics are staggering. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American men, causing nearly one in four deaths. Healthier lifestyle habits can help you avoid becoming part of that number. Let’s take a deeper dive into the numbers from the Centers for...