by Christine Denton, MD | May 18, 2022 | Allergies, Child & Family Health, Regain Health, Stay Well
What if you couldn’t eat bread? Or pasta? Or cookies? What if you couldn’t eat anything containing wheat, rye, and barley because of a protein found in these grains? Millions of Americans — including children — get gas, diarrhea, and other symptoms whenever they eat...
by erlangerhealth | May 13, 2022 | Brain Health & Stroke, Stay Well
Each year, nearly 800,000 people experience a new or recurrent stroke. We are spreading the word about B.E. F.A.S.T.—a simple tool anyone can use to diagnose a stroke by identifying the most common symptoms. Do you know how to identify the symptoms of a stroke?...
by Allyson Cole | Apr 25, 2022 | Child & Family Health, Immunization, Stay Well
National Infant Immunization Week highlights the importance of protecting infants and young children from vaccine-preventable diseases. It’s important to stay up-to-date on your children’s well visits and routine vaccinations. Being a parent is hard. We get it –...
by Allyson Cole | Apr 21, 2022 | Cancer Issues, Men's Health, Stay Well
Testicular cancer is among the most treatable, curable cancers; however, it’s a topic most men avoid discussing. When detected early, the odds of beating this cancer are greater than 99 percent. But if it goes untreated, it can become deadly. The American Cancer...
by erlangerhealth | Apr 18, 2022 | Stay Well
We all have them — those unused antibiotic capsules or expired pain relievers hanging out in the medicine cabinet. But the reality is, keeping those around is unsafe and can have dangerous consequences. It might seem easiest to just leave those prescription and OTC...
by Allyson Cole | Apr 14, 2022 | Ask an Expert, Men's Health, Regain Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Recent studies indicate that alcohol consumption greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. We talked with family medicine physician Dr. Steven Fox to get a medical perspective on this trend. Q: What is driving the recent rise in alcohol use? A: For many people,...