The facts on infant immunization

National Infant Immunization Week highlights the importance of protecting infants and young children from vaccine-preventable diseases. It’s important to stay up-to-date on your children’s well visits and routine vaccinations.

Being a parent is hard. We get it – there’s a lot to figure out, like what diapers to use, when to start introducing solid foods, helping your child’s development stay on track, and so much more. One of the most important health decisions parents can make is to get their children vaccinated for preventable diseases.

Over the past two years, many families delayed scheduling regular health visits and vaccinations due to COVID-19, including those of children. But these check-in appointments are incredibly significant to a child’s health and shouldn’t be missed. Get the facts on infant and child immunizations and why they’re so important.

What are infant immunizations?

The term “infant immunizations” commonly refers to the set of vaccines recommended for most children under the age of two. Vaccines help protect both individuals and communities by preventing and reducing the spread of infectious diseases.

Giving your little ones the recommended vaccinations by age two is the best way to protect them from 14 serious childhood diseases, including whooping cough (pertussis) and measles.

Are infant immunizations safe?

Yes, infant immunizations are safe.

The U.S. has a long-standing vaccine safety system that ensures vaccines are as safe as possible. As new information and science become available, vaccine recommendations are monitored, updated, and improved.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective public health tools available for preventing disease and death. Trust in vaccines is built through millions of conversations between parents, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and community members.

Why are infant immunizations important?

Scientists have developed vaccines for a variety of childhood illnesses that severely impacted the life expectancy and quality of life for children for decades prior. Now, it is virtually unheard of for someone to contract polio, measles, mumps, or chickenpox.

With the help of expert scientists, we have been able to prevent and, in some cases, even eliminate childhood diseases, resulting in healthier children.

It should be noted that there are some children who are ineligible for vaccines due to health issues or other factors. It is equally important that we protect these individuals from preventable illnesses by vaccinating children who are able to receive immunizations.

Want to speak to a pediatrician about childhood immunizations or schedule an appointment? Find one here or call 423-778-KIDS (5437).