by erlangerhealth | Aug 2, 2016 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
When you have a headache, you just want it to go away. The key to effectively treating a headache? Knowing what kind of headache you’re having. There are approximately 150 different types of headache. But there are four types that are more common than the others....
by erlangerhealth | Aug 1, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Every parent has heard the “I’m bored” line at one point or another. As summer break winds down, keep your kids entertained with a few boredom busters. And though they’ll have a blast, with these activities they’ll also learn something! Play Word or Letter Hopscotch....
by erlangerhealth | Jul 26, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Chances are, you’re familiar with what a nutrition label looks like now. Well, everything you know is about to change. Maybe not quite everything. But the Food and Drug Administration announced new guidelines for food manufacturers earlier this year — so changes are...
by erlangerhealth | Jul 23, 2016 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Summertime brings picnics, pool time and afternoons at the lake. That extra time spent outdoors puts you in someone else’s home — a literal It’s a Bug’s Life. Whether you like bugs or jump when you see them, insects offer plenty of benefits to earth. They pollinate...
by erlangerhealth | Jul 18, 2016 | Heart Health, Stay Well
Usually a heart beats at just the right tempo. But sometimes it can beat too fast, too slow or simply out of rhythm — a condition called arrhythmia. How much do you know about arrhythmia? Read on as Harish Manyam, M.D., director of cardiovascular research and director...
by erlangerhealth | Jul 18, 2016 | Back, Bone & Joint Health, Child & Family Health, Stay Well
You want your child to grow up healthy and strong. That starts with a good foundation — strong bones. Building healthy bones probably isn’t at the top of your list of to-dos. But the habits your child establishes in childhood can help prevent fractures and...