by Heather Sweet | Jan 20, 2023 | Erlanger News, Men's Health, Regain Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
If you feel down for several days and seem to be losing pleasure in life, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a cyclical (comes in cycles) condition that can cause severe changes in behavior and mood. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Most...
by Abhinaya Jawahar, MD | Jan 19, 2023 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Most people never think about their thyroid, but when it goes haywire, it can affect nearly every part of the body. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland found just below your Adam’s apple at the base of your neck. The gland secretes the thyroid hormone, which...
by erlangerhealth | Jan 6, 2023 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Any parent knows that having a child inevitably involves messes. But having kids in the household can also make your home a haven for germs! In the middle of cold and flu season, it can seem like germs are everywhere. And in fact, if surfaces in your home, at work,...
by Lindsay Bass, BSN, RN | Dec 22, 2022 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
You’ve installed the car seat according to manufacturer’s instructions and know how to perfectly latch your little one in the seat. But did you know you could be making your child less safe by doing one common thing? Winter can be tricky for children in car seats....
by erlangerhealth | Nov 18, 2022 | Child & Family Health, Common Childhood Diseases, Stay Well
We often think of UTIs as something that’s common among adults. And while that’s true, these infections can also occur in children. In fact, the American Urological Association reports that as many as eight in 100 girls (7%) and two in 100 boys (2%) will get a UTI at...
by erlangerhealth | Nov 4, 2022 | Child & Family Health, Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
No matter how you’re celebrating this year, nobody has time to be sick. Fortunately, you can take steps to help keep common cold weather illnesses away. First, let’s take a look at what makes colds and the flu more common during the winter than at other times of...