by Erlanger Health System | Jul 12, 2022 | Brain Health & Stroke, Fitness & Wellness, Orthopaedics, Regain Health, Sports Medicine
Register now for our Tai Chi classes before they fill up: ——————————————————– Schedule: Wednesdays & Fridays |...
by Christine Denton, MD | May 18, 2022 | Allergies, Child & Family Health, Regain Health, Stay Well
What if you couldn’t eat bread? Or pasta? Or cookies? What if you couldn’t eat anything containing wheat, rye, and barley because of a protein found in these grains? Millions of Americans — including children — get gas, diarrhea, and other symptoms whenever they eat...
by Allyson Cole | Apr 14, 2022 | Ask an Expert, Men's Health, Regain Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Recent studies indicate that alcohol consumption greatly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. We talked with family medicine physician Dr. Steven Fox to get a medical perspective on this trend. Q: What is driving the recent rise in alcohol use? A: For many people,...
by Erlanger Marketing | Feb 24, 2022 | Fitness & Wellness, Fitness & Wellness, Men's Health, Regain Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Stress is a normal part of life that can be caused by our jobs, children, school, environments, and everyday challenges. But stress exists for a reason. It’s designed to keep us alert to face life’s trials. Long-term stress, however, can lead to elevated blood...
by Dr. Jim Atherton | Feb 24, 2022 | Ask an Expert, Child & Family Health, Regain Health, Stay Well
Q: Our pediatrician took my son’s blood pressure during our last office visit. Why is it necessary to measure the blood pressure of a four-year-old? A: All children over age 3 should have their blood pressure measured routinely with a blood pressure cuff that is an...
by erlangerhealth | Dec 20, 2021 | Men's Health, Regain Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
The holiday season is in full force once November arrives… logically, the holiday spirit should have us all in a great mood. Right? Not always. In fact, while the holidays are a cheerful time for many people, they can also be a sorrowful, lonely, anxious, or...