by erlangerhealth | Apr 4, 2018 | Men's Health, Women's Health
On Friday, April 13, officials will raise a “Donate Life” flag in the Erlanger Baroness Hospital courtyard to recognize and honor 50 Erlanger patients who gave the ultimate gift of life as organ donors in 2017. Thanks to the organ donations of these 50...
by erlangerhealth | Mar 27, 2018 | Men's Health, Women's Health
As we continue to strive for excellent care here at Erlanger Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Center, we have hired two new surgical coordinators. Please join us in welcoming Serena McSears and Amy Jo Watkins! Serena McSears What do you enjoy most about being a...
by Charles Schmittdiel, Ph.D. | Mar 27, 2018 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Most people trying to change their eating habits often have a set of foods that are harder to give up or say “no” to. In the beginning, you may want to try to focus on totally avoiding those foods. But in the long run, avoidance-based coping strategies do not promote...
by Rachel Newmyer, RN | Mar 23, 2018 | Ask an Expert, Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Dear Navigator, Why is it important to keep your follow up appointments after bariatric surgery? I can see the importance of coming back for the first couple appointments post-surgery to check up on my wound sites and such, but other than weighing me, which I will be...
by Daniel Cronk, MD | Mar 23, 2018 | Ask an Expert, Men's Health, Women's Health
Everyone knows that satisfied “full” feeling, especially after a large meal like Thanksgiving. That feeling is commonly associated with having eaten well, and we are conditioned to think we haven’t eaten enough if we don’t feel this way after a meal. By contrast, I...
by erlangerhealth | Mar 23, 2018 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Women's Health
Salad Ingredients 3 cups broccoli florets, cut into bite-size pieces 2 cups diced cooked chicken breasts 8 slices of center-cut bacon, cooked crisp, drained & crumbled 1⁄2 cup diced red onion 1⁄2 cup shredded carrot 1⁄2 cup red grapes, halved 1⁄2 cup toasted...