by Erlanger Health System | Jul 28, 2021 | Child & Family Health, Stories of Hope
Like any parent, Kelly Moore and her husband grew concerned when they noticed a malformation of their son Turner’s skull just a couple of months after his birth. Diligently, they monitored his progress and eventually received a diagnosis: craniosynostosis. Read...
by Lindsay Bass, BSN, RN | Jun 18, 2021 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
You know that a car seat is essential for keeping your child safe in the car. But not just any car seat will do. Read on for a look at what you should know about car seats. Car seats are often one of the first items parents add to their baby registry when they’re...
by Lindsay Bass, BSN, RN | Jun 10, 2021 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
It may seem like the 2020–2021 school year just began, but now it’s come to an end. And while your kids are focused on summer fun, you want to be sure they’re also paying attention to summer safety. After all, you want to spend your days in the summer warmth, not at...
by Erlanger Health System | May 25, 2021 | Child & Family Health, Immunization, Stay Well
In most places in Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina, the COVID-19 vaccine is available for residents ages 12 and up. The CDC recommends that everyone 12 years and older should get the vaccination to help protect against COVID-19. Read on for answers to some...
by Lindsay Bass, BSN, RN | May 19, 2021 | Child & Family Health, Sports Medicine, Stay Well
You insist your child buckle up when he or she is riding in your car, so why wouldn’t you insist on a similar safety measure on a bicycle, skateboard, hoverboard or scooter? A helmet is an essential! Why is a helmet so important? Well, it’s pretty simple. When it...
by erlangerhealth | Apr 9, 2021 | Child & Family Health, Stay Well
Each of the 694 pin wheels on display in front of the Children’s Hospital at Erlanger Kennedy Outpatient Center represents a local victim of child abuse we treated in 2020 — a staggering 51% increase from 2019. This sobering display, an annual project for National...