by Daniel Cronk, MD | Oct 1, 2019 | Men's Health, Regain Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health
The goal of bariatric surgery is to do something to the stomach to help you lose weight that makes you feel full faster while eating less food. Myth or fact? This is a great topic to discuss since it is often a source of confusion when it comes to guiding eating...
by Rachel Newmyer, RN | Sep 27, 2019 | Men's Health, Regain Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health
Dear Navigator, I am scheduled for surgery but have not come to your consent class. I have heard much information is covered in that class, but I have questions about the hospital stay. How long will I be in the hospital, and what do I need to bring? These are great...
by erlangerhealth | Apr 29, 2019 | Men's Health, Regain Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health
On Saturday, March 2, a group of medical professionals and some of their patients from the Erlanger Metabolic Center participated in the Erlanger Chattanooga Marathon 5K event, calling themselves the “Metabolic Milers.” On this team were wife and husband Jenny and...
by Daniel Cronk, MD | Apr 9, 2019 | Men's Health, Regain Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health
Gastric bypass is more invasive than sleeve gastrectomy. Myth or fact? One of the most complex decisions our patients must make prior to surgery is to determine what operation they are going to have. Procedure selection is a shared responsibility between the patient...
by erlangerhealth | Apr 5, 2019 | Men's Health, Stay Well, Weight Loss, Women's Health
Spring has finally sprung. The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, and sunshine lingers a few more minutes every day. It’s time to shed our winter coats. Spring is a time of renewal, what better time to feel a sense of revitalization than to do a little...
by Rachel Newmyer, RN | Apr 3, 2019 | Men's Health, Regain Health, Weight Loss, Women's Health
Dear Navigator, I have heard that intestinal gas post-surgery is a big problem. What if anything can be done for this? Good question, Jan; many post-operative bariatric patients indeed complain of gas. These are some things I have learned over the years for prevention...