After years of struggling with weight loss, I chose to have the intragastric balloon placed. The intragastric balloon allowed me to achieve what seemed to be unachievable goals.
As I approached my mid-late 30’s my weight continually crept up. I would change my eating and exercise habits, and would try to have a good attitude but nothing seemed to provide the results I desired. When results weren’t achieved, as had occurred during my previous weight loss attempts, I would become frustrated and defeated. This would inevitably affect my ability to achieve the goals I set out to accomplish.
I researched the information on the gastric balloon, spoke with my family and when I met with the surgeon I knew this procedure was right for me. I had the Orbera Intragastric Balloon placed in March of 2017. Since then, I have lost and am successfully keeping off 45 pounds.
I will not say that it was easy. It takes hard work and dedication just like any other goal. Dr. Sanborn’s office was so very helpful throughout the process. The office was always right there to help with any concerns or questions I had. Encouragement was also continuously bestowed upon me. Through this process I found a tool to aid me with the weight loss, learned new eating behaviors, and I have met my seemingly unachievable goals. I am a living testimonial.
The Orbera Intragastic Balloon is a managed weight loss system for patients with a BMI ≥30 and ≤40 kg/m2, who have tried other weight loss programs, but were unable to lose weight and keep it off.