Around 30% of men and 40% of women in the United States live with OAB symptoms — Lucy Green was one of them. As a flight attendant, mom to six kids, and tennis player, the symptoms of overactive bladder made life difficult for her. “It will control your life in more ways than one,” Lucy explained in a recent interview with Jed Mescon. “Your sleep is affected. Your personality is affected. Your relationships are affected,” she added. “Instead of enjoying your evening out with your friends or your family, you’re locating restrooms.”
Prior to moving to Chattanooga, Lucy had visited other doctors and tried several solutions but had not seen the level of care or the relief she was seeking. Fortunately, once she made an appointment with Erlanger’s Dr. Colin Goudelocke, she found what she was looking for: a doctor who truly listens, who takes his time, and provides education through seminars and patient testimonials.
She also found her solution: a small device implanted in her lower back that sends mild electrical pulses to the sacral nerves. This reversible process is a part of a treatment called InterStim therapy and is a game changer for many of Dr. Goudelocke’s patients, including Lucy. “It has changed my life. I don’t believe I could do the things I do with my family, with my career, and just enjoy the lifestyle that I do without it.”
Are you seeking relief from overactive bladder? Erlanger East offers a free seminar “Overactive Bladder and its Treatment” each month. Dr. Goudelocke provides information about the latest treatment options and procedures available for men and women. For more information, call 778-4OAB (4622). To enroll in this FREE seminar, call 778-LINK (5465).