Chattanooga, Tenn. – Erlanger Health System is now offering free online navigation to assist patients and visitors with walking directions from various locations within its medical facilities.
Whether a person is visiting someone in the hospital or traveling to one of the facilities for a medical visit, PointsMap will provide not only directions on how to get there, but also where to park. The mapping system is an interactive, way-finding tool accessible on a personal computer through a website or via smart phone or tablet by scanning the QR code at various locations in the hospital. The “go inside” feature includes maps of the facility with pathways or turn by turn walking directions from key locations.
Erlanger joins ChattanoogaState, the Chickamauga Battlefield and the Riverbend Festival who have also partnered with PointsMap and found the service to be extremely user-friendly and successful in directing participants to their destination.
PointsMap is particularly useful for individuals who prefer to use technology for directions or wish to research or print the area and locations before they arrive. However, Erlanger employees, volunteers and signage will continue to be posted throughout the hospital system to direct guests.
For more information or to try PointsMap before your visit, click on