Chattanooga, Tenn. – Diabetes-related emergencies are often mistaken for drunk driving, but a new initiative will help identify individuals who may be having diabetes-related emergencies while behind the wheel.
Erlanger’s Diabetes Self Management Program, in collaboration with area law enforcement agencies, has launched a Diabetes Alert program for our region. This free program will help officers better identify diabetes-related symptoms and take appropriate action during these emergencies.
The Diabetes Alert program includes a sticker for vehicle windows that will alert law enforcement officers and EMS that the driver has diabetes and may be experiencing a hypo- or hyperglycemic event.
To participate in the program, anyone with diabetes can get a Diabetes Alert prescription from their physician that indicates the person has diabetes. The participant then takes the prescription to Erlanger’s Chattanooga LifeStyle Center on Market Street to obtain the Diabetes Alert sticker.
The Diabetes Alert sticker should be placed on the lower, inside left corner of the driver’s side rear window. The participant will also receive a copy of the prescription form to keep with their automobile registration.
As part of the program, health officials will provide law enforcement agencies with information about diabetes, including information cards that identify diabetes-related symptoms and immediate treatment options that can be conducted before EMS arrives on the scene.
For more information about the Diabetes Alert program, contact the Chattanooga LifeStyle Center, 325 Market St., phone 423-778-9400 or Erlanger’s HealthLink Plus line at 423-778-LINK(5465).